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The Empty Hearse (Original title)
Date: 2013 (Release)

Country: United Kingdom

Director: Jeremy Lovering

Synopsis: Two years after his supposed demise, Holmes resurfaces just as London is threatened by a huge terrorist attack. Though delighted by the return of his best friend, Watson is worried about the impact it might have on his new romance and the comforting domestic future that beckons. ©BBC publicity

Drama, Detective drama

Sherlock Holmes

Series title:
TV Transmissions
Date: 01 January 2014Broadcast channel: BBC1Country: Great BritainTransmission time: 21:00-22:25Digital Terrestrial - Language: English - Colour - Sound

Film, Video or Digital materials held in BFI National Archive(2)

Accessible materials to view(1)
Description: MP4TX date: 2014-01-01BFI identifier: N-177636
Status: Viewing

Digital materials(2)
Description: 50IDuration: 01:26:27 minutesD10 - TX date: 2014-01-01BFI identifier: N-177635
Status: Master

Description: MP4TX date: 2014-01-01BFI identifier: N-177636
Status: Viewing